The boundless power of dawn – SAVERS

The boundless power of dawn – SAVERS

The boundless power of dawn – S A V E R S

What time do you get up in the morning No matter how late you go to bed, you should get up early every morning! "Go to bed early, get up early, get life and health!" adults used to say That is correct.

There is a world-famous personality named Hale Errol, he was a hugely successful businessman, with great perseverance he overcame a physical disability due to an accident.

But they suffered huge losses in the Great Depression of 2008, leaving billionaire Hale in debt. But he was not a loser, he went to one of his successful friends to ask how to get out of it, what advice would that friend have given him. “Hell, you get up early in the morning!" Halewas disappointed with the miraculous advice "Everything else will happen automatically",

he was expecting something different, he pushed it for a few days, but he was getting frustrating day by day, so he started getting up at four in the morning as a cure, and Hale says his life changed! Are dawn and sunrise so magical? What to do after attainment up so timely in the morning? Hale provided a codeword for this question.


 Here are six life-changing habits.

 1) Silence: -

- To sit quietly and look, is meditation!

- To move a single mind meditation!

- Eliminate the virus, through to the formatting of your computer to the way of thinking of this is


- Meditation is very important to think happy and full of energy.

- Meditation is the realization of how low the needs of the individual, and how the vanity, all the  


- To connect with big, beautiful, and blissful, the universe, and particles from your mind-body

  Meditation is the act of making yourself happy.

 2) Affirmations

Offerings are self-talk! -Giving instructions to yourself, - Carve-out the goal you have set on the very powerful intuition! In the next five years, in the next one year, in the next one month, in the next one week, and all day today, revisiting in my mind what I am going to do is self-suggestion!

Spontaneity allows ideas to penetrate deeper, and dramatically come true. Since the power of intuition is immense, every thought rooted there, be it good or bad, becomes real. Our ancestors used to say, Shubha Bol Narya! or Sarasvati is on the tongue, it happens as we speak, the deity on the tongue says Tathastu, etc., etc. All these were not superstitions, there is the psychology behind this. If something is said thousands of times, it is projected inwardly, so why speak inauspiciously? Rather than inviting destruction by saying bad things, 'Yaa Sukan no ya'! ...

3) Visualize

Visualization is to visualize in the attention that the penetrating desire has been fulfilled, to prompt the joy of its self-actualization and to express it in a delicate way on the way of thinking!

Nature's most valuable and an important gift to man is his imagination. Proper use of creativity renovates a common person into an effective person. Every day, we should remember that we have accomplished our objectives.

According to Michael Phelps, a gold medalist in swimming. When I start to fall fast asleep, I try to see in my way of thinking correctly what I would like to do. Olympic champion Lane Benchley said, "For the last four years, I've been getting the same result, that is, I'm standing with a medal in my hand, and it's raining champagne on me"

“I put down my desire on a piece of paper, along with a comment about the dream, and put it in front of my eyes in distinctive ways,” said Mike Smith.

When Azim Premji was asked about the undisclosed of his success, he said, "Success comes twice, once in the way of thinking and the second time in the actual world!"

4) Exercise –

- Exercise is vital to rid the body of sloth, to maintain the energy flowing in the body, and to maintain the mind strong and cheerful! Assume the body has gotten sluggish or the awareness has grown unethical!

 - If energy is not diverted through exercise, yoga, pranayama, it turns to extra sexual intercourse and man becomes a slave to lust.

 - A person who is enslaved by bad habits loses consciousness, the feeling of being alone makes such a person uncomfortable. He cannot distillate on anything, and therefore he cannot be pleased, an anonymous fear is shaped in the mind. The only way to break all this evil chain is to exercise, do dips, sunbathe, do pullups, sweat on a treadmill, do pranayama.

- Keep the consciousness in the body alive.

5) Reading –

- People who read books live several survives in one life.

- People who are wise by the experience of others rule the world by the wisdom of the next, the wise of the past.

- Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg all delivered two records a week.

6) Scribing –

I am of the firm opinion that if I had not continued to write during the difficult times of my life, I would not be alive today. Writing empties the mind, removes sorrow, transmits new energy to the mind so Yoga Purusha has said, in a Day you should write something.

Writing is also an effective means of self-communication. - Writing strengthens thoughts When I wake up in the morning, I should write down what I am going to do all day today.

If there is a problem, it should be written down and the solution should be written down. Dreams should be drawn on paper by sending the mind freely into the sky of dreams. To fulfil those dreams, I must write about what I am going to do, planning and planning & assign yourself tasks every day, and when done, declare yourself victorious. Writing frees the mind, lightens the burden of worries Write letters to someone close to you, sometimes write inspiring stories.

- This is how the intuition blossoms, the source of energy flows. Each of these six habits is life changing. How many of the above six habits have you inculcated in yourself? I have benefited a lot from all these habits. You will also find these habits useful. Say goodbye or say bad luck, but now each of us has plenty of free time.

It is up to you to decide if you want to spend time reading a negative post and thinking about it, or if you have any of the above, try to implement everything. It takes at least 21 days of practice to get used to anything ... and you will probably have more than 21 days off now.

So, let us make good use of this time and build a strong mind and strong body for future life ....

Such a time and opportunity will not come again, and it should not come .... It is time to work on oneself ....to live for oneself .... to take advantage of the situation that has come.