While eating, he easily turned his attention to the clock. It is impossible to count the number of times one has seen the clock in one's life to this day. But today I saw and felt some resemblance between the three hands of the clock and the family.
The clock has a clock hand, a minute hand, and a second hand, and in the family, the hour hand is the father, the minute hand is the mother, and the second hand is the child.
Each of these thorns has its own speed of rotation, each has a different speed, but the direction is the same. But seconds, minutes, and hours cannot be complete without completing a circle of everyone's motion.
The father in the family is the hour throne
Even though it is the slowest, it moves at a steady pace and purpose towards the next hour's figure. But its speed is not noticed until the hour is over. The same is true of the father.
They are firmly on their journey with one goal in mind. And only when the goal is achieved is their speed noticed. Father is the main Pillar for the family, as they restless take hard work for the family to fulfill all the needs and dreaming about his child becoming the world best person in any work he has done.
Every minute (even from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night) she feels her speed. She is constantly walking, thinking, and working. As the minute hand, when the clock is ticking, the clock is behind the clock, after a while, it stops with the clock, and then it pulls back the clock for a second.
The same is true of the mother. When she is constantly at work, after
falling behind her husband, she comes forward and spends some time with her
husband, and then she tries to stay with the children (second thorn) out of
love for the children. Continuous efforts of mother build the home as heaven on
the earth.
She does not take anything from us, or she does not have any expectation she always offering love and binding all family members under one roof.
And the second thorn is our children.
No matter how big she gets, she
can be seen running, playing, and running behind her parents with constant enthusiasm.
She is seen constantly struggling between the hour hand and the minute hand
(father, mother).
Their speed of moving forward is also higher than that of their father and mother. Just as a clock cannot be complete without three forks and they're one-way a motion so does your family. Like these three thorns, the house is not complete unless the father, mother, and children of the family move in the same direction.
But keep in mind that even if the days, weeks, months, years are completed due to seconds, minutes, hours, the thorns do not leave your frame (clock plate) for this. In the same way, you must take care of your family. Your Father, Mother, Brother & Sisters are the persons who only offer love towards you without expecting anything from you.
Always respect our father and mother because they are like a god for us, who without expecting anything offer us everything. Then the family clock will break and there will be confusion.
So its everybody responsibility like clock all thrones journey together we all work in only one direction to make our home fill with full joy, love, Masti , magic so that it becomes heaven on earth.
Very nice post